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Votary - taking my skincare further

Yet again, I just couldn't bypass Votary, especially when Caroline Hirons mentioned a discount, so, into the basket went ........

Having started with the Super Seed cleansing oil, which is a joy for the skin, perfect in my routine as a second cleanse, leaving my skin glowing, I couldn't wait to add to the collection.

I went straight into delving the land of skincare and especially facial oils, cue rubbing hands together in an excited fashion. The choice of oils reads like the best dessert menu, what to choose and would two be greedy, you get my thinking. Anyway, I chose the one that works at smoothing the skin, this time of year my skin can be patchy, dehydrated, oily in certain areas and lacklustre, it needs balance, the Neroli and Myrrh was my choice. ( a review will follow in a few months)

And, it's good night from me, I do love my products for my evening routine, winding down, relaxing and clinking all my lotions and potions on my tray of skincare as my makeup face dissolves, revealing the face that has seen and lived through every possible emotion. I also love night oils and though I am featuring retinoid oils in a further post I must share this Intense Night Oil, my second choice. Using an oil-soluble retinoid blended with plant oils that hydrate, rejuvenate, stimulate and are anti-inflammatory this is the plaster to heal the damage from daily aggressors, feed the skin and make the most of the sleeping time to give great skin. My only doubt about this oil is the rosehip, which, I can react to depending on the blend, it's always hard to tell until I've used the products, generally 3-4 days max and I know if it's going to work for me, otherwise, I get small spots all over my face and especially my forehead, which become redder if I continue to use the product. Again, a review will be up in a few months if all goes well, maybe sooner if not, fingers crossed for this beauty, I really want it to work.

I also bought fluffy, towelling cloths or flannels (is flannel an English word, does it still mean men's trousers to some people?).
These are a super soft, a great size and they wash well without shrinking, I love a good flannel. 

So, my Votary journey continues, in-depth reviews will be coming for the cleansing oil, facial and night oil. 

I have featured the items I have bought over on my social media so do join me if you haven't already, search Rougepout Beauty for my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin, Pinterest and YouTube. 

Votary also kindly commented on my Twitter post - 

it's always lovely to receive such kind feedback.

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Please check for further information and a full disclaimer about affiliated links and pr products. 

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