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Avon, I write with a clear skin, not particularly a heavy heart but, there is nothing more disappointing than a skincare product that just doesn't work, it sings and dances for many but for you, it's a swan song of spots and disappointment.

I jumped, leapt, basically flung myself full throttle at the Avon launch and much lauded Renew Reversalist. The research, studies had beyond reasonable doubt shown that in this world of skincare that at some point can do no more and plateaus, this kept on working.
Easy to use, this dual-sided skincare has the preparation side for one week and then the retinol side for the following week and then it goes back to side one and that is how it continues. I found Sunday's were perfect for the swap over 'day', years of bath night still linger in my head and it is also the time I often rotate my skincare if I feel I want to take out or add anything.
The first week started promisingly, the side one cream was light, easily absorbed, by the fourth night and the fifth morning my skin was starting to break out, just the odd spot which can happen and then the skin settles and away you go. As I very rarely struggle with skincare and throw most things at my skin I didn't feel this was a big problem. The spots continued, not a cluster but, there were a few to choose from and some rather painful, but, I carried on. Side two came into play and I awoke to an enormous spot on my lip, huge enough to be seen from space and so painful also. The spots just got worse, a few started to be noticeable on my forehead when I cleansed my skin, those that were on my cheek and chin were going nowhere. So, I stopped with the product, only for a couple of nights and my skin eased, when I returned it to my routine, back came the spots. Now, I know from experience that sometimes there is a settling in period with products, it's annoying but, it does happen and often it is worth the time and perseverance, on this occasion I came to the conclusion that I have spent enough of my time settling in products and I wanted the skin I like back, so, I have stopped with this and my skin with the help of some SOS products is back to its old self, literally, and all is well.
Now, this doesn't mean it won't work for you, in fact I know several people who are loving it and seeing results and that's skincare, it's not a one size fits all, sadly, it can be an expensive mistake if a product doesn't work, a sample is often an option but then they can be so tiny you don't have enough time to really see it in action.

One issue I had before buying the item was the lack of a comprehensive list of ingredients, anywhere, it was only when I had the product I could see what lurked within. Apparently many people also struggled. I have included a photo of the box, you can see the full list, it does contain fragrance, ingredients that alone can be an irritant to the skin, Retinol is listed, as one viewer of my YouTube channel rightly stated, 1% of Retinol is a lot, under 1% of a product ingredients can be listed in any order as part of a product's ingredients listing, for me, I want to know what that percentage is, simple. I didn't expect to see Retinol hidden away, I expected to see the amount within the product. Caustic Soda by any other name (Sodium Hydroxide) always good for clearing blocked drains and is used to turn olives black (other ingredients are also added for this process) and you may also recognise synthetic fragrances. I rarely panic too much about ingredients, but, when the hype is all about the positive results, the trust people have should not be played with. Yes, many ingredients are cleaned up before being added to products, but, people take what they read at face value, I do feel a more simplistic and clearer explanation of what is contained is needed. Many folks want a product that works and trust that ingredients are to the benefit of their skin, not everyone recognises the chemical or Latin name of something that may cause a problem. I have over the years spoken less and less about ingredients within products, for many reasons, one being that I spent years as part of my job talking about the benefits of certain ingredients and also, science changes, what was once a don't use together is now ok and everyone is an expert, people sit at their laptops and think by reading one article they know it all, but, there is so much diversity and differing opinions now, who truly knows what is right? Products that don't mix can be housed separately and therefore work, certain blends of ingredients create magic for the skin, used alone they are irritants but one dilutes the other, it is an ever growing, learning area, a vast area, for the customer it needs to be clear, no jargon. I can only review a product as it works or doesn't for my skin, on this occasion I had several comments regarding the ingredients, so, felt it was appropriate to mention the matter.
What has struck me is this post wouldn't have happened if I had loved this product, how quick I was to write this and point out the not so great additions to this skincare, to be fair, this mix of ingredients isn't unique, skincare often has questionable ingredients but how easy it is to overlook that when there isn't a reaction on the skin.

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