Bodhi & Birch - Pr-trackablelinkonly
Bodhi & Birch has given me a skin saver, literally, having used a sample I was thrilled to receive the full-size opaque glass bottle with Renshen Root Exfoliant & Mask within.
In previous posts I have mentioned I am moving away from all the ingredients information that people can easily find for themselves, I want to relate my unique experience with products and what I find they do if anything for my skin.
This Renshen Root exfoliant and mask made a skin impact, a positive impact which I see from only a select few products. I always use this to its maximum capacity, the mask soothes and calms my skin, it is a monthly treat, although the frequency of use can vary depending on what I feel and see with my skin. I have learnt that sensitive skin/rosacea, prefers the gentle approach, rather than all-out war and products thrown at it day after day.
The chocolate coloured powder is easily mixed with water to create a 'gloopy' base, I use a wooden dish, however, the brand has recently launched a divine ceramic dish, either will work well for the mixing process, paint the mask onto the skin with the brush that can be bought from the brand or use a flat-headed foundation brush to apply. I leave the mask to dry out and then I soak it off with a cloth that has been soaked in tepid water, no abrasive rubbing or scrubbing, just soaking off with a cloth over and over.
The exfoliation is gentle for my skin, my skin is left clean, brighter, smoother, the red areas are less aggressive, not gone, but the redness is softer, - skincare applies easier and absorbs well. Days later, aside from the affected areas of rosacea, I can see the clarity of my skin.
Having never been troubled by skin issues until this year, it has been a learning curve, one, in a way I am grateful for, it has taught me many lessons regarding skincare, the biggest, that less is more. I see that even with the same products used regularly, I get the same skin results as I did when I was layering serum, lotion, acids etc - maybe it's time to step back from the hype and actually look closely at our skin - this journey has made me evaluate everything and by stopping and actually listening and looking I can achieve good results with a small, paired down routine.
Trusting brands, having faith in products and above all, sticking with what works, it's easy to get caught up in the 'next big thing', however, I knew the fabulous results I'd had from Bodhi Birch products, I trust the creation of them, the creator, Elijah, and that's all that matters to me now, the products that I hold close and happily apply to my skin.
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