Ok I admit it, I am a sucker for a pun and yes, Skin and Tonic just ticked the box for my humour level. Also, they have a cleanser in the range, so a double hit with me, I had to to give this brand a try.
Steam Clean, the aforementioned cleanser has the most amazing information packed labelling I have seen on a skincare product. I do recommend you check out the website here for so much more interesting Skin & Tonic details.
From informing us of it's organic, cruelty-free stance, to it being made by people, not machines in small batches - made with spirit, it declares in the delightful mint green writing.
Spin this 50g jar around and you are told that 'just' 7 ingredients make up this product, grape, thistle and borage seed oil, beeswax, eucalyptus leaf oil, spearmint herb oil and tocopherol (Vit e).
From the first use, I found the balm soft and very easy to remove from the jar, gentle in texture with only a hint of eucalyptus rising from the balm. Steam Clean applied easily to the skin and blends well, makeup loosens and soon amalgamated into quite a sight. I had expected this balm to very clingy (that goose fat consistency that happens with some and you find it sticks around the sink, taking makeup with it - delightful) but no, this removed easily, lifting away all makeup, although my mascara proved to be a tough customer and needed the second cleanse to really lift it away.
The Steam Clean also comes with its own cloth, a great texture for lifting away product and holding it within the cloth rather than spreading it around the face, it washed well and remained the same size as it went into the washing machine, no shrinking cloths with this one.
Aside from the mascara, my skin was certainly clean and felt great, smooth, not dry or tight, I was impressed at the lack of cling from the product.
With continued use this impresses, I do prefer it as a second cleanse as most mascara has been lifted from the first cleanse, this is a great finish for the skin and I love the slight minty fragrance on the application.
A beautiful cleanser for the skin from a brand I feel will be one to watch and a cleanser I would definitely buy again.
Coming soon a review of the Skin & Tonic Gentle Scrub.
All products featured are PR samples, GWP or gifts unless otherwise stated.
This post does not contain affiliated links.
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