I often wish I'd known how blessed I was to have a carefree childhood, my only concern, how would I explain another pair of shoes ruined from dragging the toes along the grooved void beneath the swings. Being an adult is a trick, no one ever mentions that your head remains a little childlike, but, the adult body ensures that you often have more worries than you thought possible. So, when I can I grasp at all things relaxing, the momentary stop button on life, de Mamiel Altitude Oil is the calm in a busy world.
de Mamiel lingers within a small opaque glass bottle, aromatherapy sized, perfect to carry in a bag, purse or hand luggage. Altitude Oil was developed for those stuffy in-flight journeys, to clear the head and lift the mood. A versatile oil, that balances out life, perfect to sprinkle on a pillow before sleep, ideal to blend on the pulse points of the wrist, that way I can access the calm, even when I am in the middle of the supermarket.
I love to add a couple of drops to the bottom of my shower, the hot water brings the scent forward and it's a great way to start the day, clear-headed and relaxed, it's a positive way to start the day.
If you're from the era, like me, when every answer to a chesty cough or sneezing cold was to be basted in Vicks Vapour Rub, this is the adult, delicate and more nightwear friendly option, the Lavender oil relaxes, but, the Eucalyptus really clears the airways and helps that blocked feeling, lemon myrtle and peppermint freshen the air, pine is your natural antiseptic. This is your first aid cabinet in one oil.
de Mamiel has certainly kept me refreshed, the scent in the shower gives my day a kick start and with the threat of some throat/cold lurgy developing, this has been bliss on my woolly headed days.
It may not solve all problems, but, as an anxiety sufferer, just the process of applying this or taking a moment to inhale the oil that I have added to my wrists, takes me from the anxious moment and focusses me on breathing and relaxing.
A bottle full of care.
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