There have been lovely products that have been pleasant and calming for my face, they appear in rotation in my routine, I have prescription Azelaic Acid, which at 15% was quite helpful at 20% it created havoc with my hairline and felt very drying, thereby creating another problem to deal with. Back to 15% and then nothing, well, not for the last week, I stopped with the Azelaic completely, I cleansed my face each evening, balm first, followed by an oil cleanser, I have reintroduced glycolic to my routine, only three times a week, but, it's not causing any issues, so steadily onwards. Then I've been applying a lovely layer of the A. Florence Skin Rehab Rich for compromised skin, the very next day the redness was very subtle, each evening the same routine, with or without the glycolic extra inclusion, it has been a joy, soothing, calming, enriching and my skin looks the better for it.
This is where I must hold my hands up and admit, I didn't take photographs, well, I took them after the event, I know, call myself a blogger, I just felt I wanted a break from the acids and knew this would be good, the brand and the products are sublime, but, I hadn't expected such a high level of results so quickly.
(please check out my YouTube video, where it's clearer to see the skin, the redness, you get the picture)
In the most delightful packing, this hue of pink cream vacates the tube a little like toothpaste, onto the skin it blends softly, absorbs into the skin, leaving a very smooth surface. Although there is no slip with this (there is another version I have just received, this new one may have the slip, keep reading at a later date). Of course, it's the calmness of my skin that is most prevalent for me, I was amazed and continue to be at the gentleness of the product, but, it's amazing healing properties, into my second week of not using Azelaic acid and my skin has never been better, just this beauty every evening.
This was sent to me, I would without question buy this, it has been more effective than La Roche Posay, Azelaic Acid and Niacinamide, please do know that we are all different and this may not be the case for you. I am also very aware that my skin could at any time decide it doesn't want to be soothed, but, for now, I am in A. Florence heaven.
A. Florence Skincare - there will be 20% off from 6th April - 19th April with code EASTER20 (I am not being paid for this, just want to share the love)
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- [ad] denotes products that I have been paid to feature.
- [pr] product sent, no payment received, for me to feature the item, purely my choice to review with no prescribed words from the brand or agency.
- [affiliate] - there are affiliate links or trackable links attached to this video, these earn me a few pence when clicked (these appear as or after listed products), certain links are not affiliated and are purely there for you to click and find the product information faster, these may be trackable links by the page.
- [sponsored] products or video has been sponsored by a brand or agency.
- [bought/pr] - I have bought the items but had pr previously.
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